Innovate - Evolve - Thrive

About Our
people. innovation. partners. company. values. 

Champions of innovation, welcome to MN Innova where rapid innovation takes place.

Our leadership

Mustapha is the founder of MN Innova. He also founded the African Centre for Tax and Governance (ACTG) and Barandar Online Technologies.

As a tax policy expert with over 12 years of experience, his proficiency and skills include conducting tax policy development, tax administration reforms, audit, digital transformation, taxpayer education and tax policy research and analysis.


Mustapha Ndajiwo

- Founder


Mustapha is the founder of MN Innova. He also founded the African Centre for Tax and Governance (ACTG) and Barandar Online Technologies.

As a tax policy expert with over 12 years of experience, his proficiency and skills include conducting tax policy development, tax administration reforms, audit, digital transformation, taxpayer education and tax policy research and analysis.

Mustapha Ndajiwo

- Founder

We Are Driven By Values

We have a passion for creativity and a commitment to excellence. We believe great work comes from a great work environment and a strong set of values.

What this means: We bring a positive attitude to our work. We trust that by working together we can solve any problem. We support each other best when we fully embrace our differences and respect our diverse perspectives and experiences.

How can I apply this?

  • Take care of yourself first, so you can support others.
  • Show appreciation for others and celebrate their wins.
  • Propose solutions; don’t oppose ideas.
  • Set your own expectations and boundaries around work and help others to uphold their own.


What this means: We fully embrace the boldness of our ambition. We dare to come up with new ideas to achieve it.

How can I apply this?

  • Think BIG, without restraints—even if the idea seems impossible at first.
  • Have the courage to propose wild ideas and discuss them openly. Never hide your creativity!
  • Encourage others to be bold as well: build upon their ideas and ask them how they would 10x your own.


What this means: We all recognize and focus on what moves the needle to achieve our mission. We own the outcome of our work and do whatever necessary to improve it.

How can I apply this?

  • Prioritize your work based on the impact it has on our users (talent and employers).
  • Make decisions to move projects forward independently. Don’t wait for approval on every step.
  • Bring topics to the team for input, help, and discussion, and document your work.
  • Use feedback to improve and stay open to new ideas.


What this means: We’re rigorous in our approach to deliver high quality work.

How can I apply this?

  • Deliver work that you’re truly proud of.
  • Do things right the first time.
  • Sense-check your output before “hitting send”.
  • Use processes and automation to reduce mistakes.


What this means: We bring a positive attitude to our work. We trust that by working together we can solve any problem. We support each other best when we fully embrace our differences and respect our diverse perspectives and experiences.

How can I apply this?

  • Take care of yourself first, so you can support others.
  • Show appreciation for others and celebrate their wins.
  • Propose solutions; don’t oppose ideas.
  • Set your own expectations and boundaries around work and help others to uphold their own.


What this means: We’re straight shooters and we live by our word. Honesty and trust are vital to us. We treat each other, our customers, and every other MN Innova stakeholder with respect and empathy.

How can I apply this?

  • Always keep the interests of your team in mind.
  • Use your authority and position to do what’s best for everyone in each situation.
  • Always advise customers on the best solution that fits their needs. Never sell them something that doesn’t.
  • Treat others how you want to be treated yourself.


What this means: We’re rigorous in our approach to deliver high quality work.

How can I apply this?

  • Deliver work that you’re truly proud of.
  • Do things right the first time.
  • Sense-check your output before “hitting send”.
  • Use processes and automation to reduce mistakes.


What this means: We bring a positive attitude to our work. We trust that by working together we can solve any problem. We support each other best when we fully embrace our differences and respect our diverse perspectives and experiences.

How can I apply this?

  • Take care of yourself first, so you can support others.
  • Show appreciation for others and celebrate their wins.
  • Propose solutions; don’t oppose ideas.
  • Set your own expectations and boundaries around work and help others to uphold their own.


What this means: We’re straight shooters and we live by our word. Honesty and trust are vital to us. We treat each other, our customers, and every other MN Innova stakeholder with respect and empathy.

How can I apply this?

  • Always keep the interests of your team in mind.
  • Use your authority and position to do what’s best for everyone in each situation.
  • Always advise customers on the best solution that fits their needs. Never sell them something that doesn’t.
  • Treat others how you want to be treated yourself.


What this means: We’re rigorous in our approach to deliver high quality work.

How can I apply this?

  • Deliver work that you’re truly proud of.
  • Do things right the first time.
  • Sense-check your output before “hitting send”.
  • Use processes and automation to reduce mistakes.


What this means: We bring a positive attitude to our work. We trust that by working together we can solve any problem. We support each other best when we fully embrace our differences and respect our diverse perspectives and experiences.

How can I apply this?

  • Take care of yourself first, so you can support others.
  • Show appreciation for others and celebrate their wins.
  • Propose solutions; don’t oppose ideas.
  • Set your own expectations and boundaries around work and help others to uphold their own.


What this means: We’re straight shooters and we live by our word. Honesty and trust are vital to us. We treat each other, our customers, and every other MN Innova stakeholder with respect and empathy.

How can I apply this?

  • Always keep the interests of your team in mind.
  • Use your authority and position to do what’s best for everyone in each situation.
  • Always advise customers on the best solution that fits their needs. Never sell them something that doesn’t.
  • Treat others how you want to be treated yourself.


Our People

We enjoy being behind the scenes but sometimes people want to know who we are.

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Gbenga Falana

Lead Digital Transformation

Key areas of expertise include: International Finance; Digital Transformation; Public Financial Management; Tax Policy and Administration Reforms.

Abdulmalik (Abba) Shehu

Lead Tech Advisor

Key areas of expertise include: Business Process Modelling (BPMN) Expert; SAP Solutions.


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Habiba Mohammed

Program Manager, Kenya

Key areas of expertise include: Capacity Building; Regional Program Coordination.


Usman Sani Usman

Programme Officer

Key areas of expertise include: Audit; Business Administration; Programs; Capacity Building.

Zulqarnain Suleiman

Technical Support

Key areas of expertise include: Product Management; DevOps; Startups; Technical Support.


Trusted By The Top-tier Companies

Our mission is to improve the capacity and performance of organisations by helping them think, innovate and thrive.


Mustapha is the founder of MN Innova. He also founded the African Centre for Tax and Governance (ACTG) and Barandar Online Technologies.

As a tax policy expert with over 12 years of experience, his proficiency and skills include conducting tax policy development, tax administration reforms, audit, digital transformation, taxpayer education and tax policy research and analysis.

Mustapha was Africa’s Regional Coordinator of the United Nations High-Level Panel of Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity (FACTI)

Before taking up the role with the UN FACTI Panel, Mustapha served as technical advisor to the Executive Chairman of Federal Inland Revenue Service Nigeria. Mustapha is currently leading the reform of Niger State Internal Revenue Service – his reform efforts include Human Resource Optimization, Digital Transformation, Compliance Risk Management, Process re-engineering and Taxpayer Management.

Mustapha offers strategic advice to CEOS of public and private sector businesses including Federal Inland Revenue Service,

Mustapha has worked with the Tax Justice Network based in London and consulted for the International Centre for Tax and Development (ICTD) UK, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES), Public Service International (PSI) and the German Development Cooperation (GIZ) among others.

He holds a BSc in Economics from Ahmadu Bello University Zaria and a Masters in Tax Policy and Tax Administration from the Berlin School of Economics and Law. He is currently completing a PhD in Commercial Law at the University of Cape Town.

Mustapha is a member of the Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, a member of the expert group – United Nations office of the Special Adviser on Africa, the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Monitoring Group, an advisory board member of the Nigerian Tax Research Network, an advisory board member of the Journal on financing for development and a board member of The Open Foundation Initiative Uganda.

He has published research on different tax policy issues and presented same at various local and international conferences including the ATAF high level policy dialogue, Tax Justice Annual Conference, DIE Bonn Annual Conference, African Tax Research Network Conferences, IBFD/FIT Conference, the South Centre Conference, the Nigerian Governors Forum and the Tax Justice Network Africa Pan African Conference on Illicit Financial Flows.

He has participated in many high level policy discussions including the sessions of the UN Tax Committee of experts on international cooperation.

He has trained African members of parliament, top officials of African revenue authorities, top officials of African ministries of finance, civil society actors and students on different aspects of digitalization, tax policy and administration.

He has broad experience in tackling various issues associated with tax policy and administration from both government and civil society perspectives.